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Sadad DashBoard

Don’t lose track of your daily operation with SADAD Dashboard

Get the most out of your transaction data

  • Get real time data insights of transactions
  • Single platform to manage transactions processed from any of Sadad’s Services
  • Manage transactions history with no expiry data.
  • Track terminal location through GPS enable function.
  • Manage customer data transacted through your platform
  • Understand fraud pattern, reduce fraud

Personalized Reports with transaction details

  • Real-time custom reporting
  • Get reports on transactions, settlement, refunds, chargebacks
  • Download reports in a variety of file formats. (Pdf, Cvs, Xls)
  • Reports can be downloaded and emailed

Powerful Data Analytics and Intuitive Visuals

  • Display real-time data Analytics feature.

  • To obtain fast detail, visualize the data in graphics

  • Form rather than statistics

    Graphs can be interpreted in terms of transaction

    status, payment modes, and periodic basis.

Be updated on Shipping details

Transaction status, refunds, settlement and other information


Set up auto-refunds and track transactions from SADAD DASHBOARD with a single click.


Send reminders for invoice and accept payments, all in real time


Anything can be automated with APIs created on SADAD DASHBOARD, from making a schedule to billing a customer to cancelling a subscription

Payment link

Generate a payment link with fixed amount and description in a couple of clicks through your SADAD DASHBOARD

Manage all stores lead via one dashboard

Get Started

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